Do you think there should be more highway pedestrian undercrossings?
Yes, if so where?
No, it's not worth the money.
Needed anyplace along the parkway where there's a crosswalk.
ReplyThey are building them for wildlife along Hwy 97. It's only right for them to build them for the safety of pedestrians as well.
ReplyPinebrook - Across from Walmart
ReplyBend Parkway should have undercrossings or foot bridges so that people don't have to cross the parkway where people are driving 65+.
ReplySW Century Drive (between the Wash. roundabout & Welcome Center) to be able to cross haul trail, rimrock trail and neighborhoods more frequently. Traffic is increasing so additional crossing points are vital to keep bikers and walkers on the paths that protect them from cars.
ReplyBend parkway should have under crossings
ReplyBetter than exposing pedestrians and slowing down traffic with crosswalks that aren't at intersections.
ReplyThere are several places in Bend this would be useful. Not sure if there is a place for one near Shepherd's House, where there are constantly people running or riding across the road. This would also be safer on the Parkway, where there are flashing lights and crosswalks.
ReplyYes and no, there are lots of places to safely cross but so many people chose not to use them. There are other areas of town that could really benifit from safer crossing.