Do you think recommendations from local leaders influences mask wearing?
It does influence public opinion.
No, I don't think it influences.
No. Because those who do will and those who dont want to won't. People are tired of being owned.
Reply ReplyNO! Absolutely not for me!! Who do you think these pedestalled people think they are anyway? No different than you or me, other than the professionals in the medical and scientific fields..........maybe?!
Reply ReplyNO! Why would we listen to evil people letting thousands of illegal aliens into America illegally, with no masks, no vaccinations no accountability, that have Covid and yet the American citizens have to show proof to re enter the country, this is the height of hypocrisy and sheer lunacy!!!
Reply ReplyWe are done with masks. I'm vaccinated, and anyone else can get vaccinated. Now it is time to get to herd immunity. If you want to wear a mask, knock yourself out.
Reply Reply
Leaders need to set the example for all of us and do what is best for us all as we all our important and affected by covid!
ReplyYes, misinformation, political gain, power, money, or whatever other reason local leaders go agains the science that influence poor choices from the population. Messages around public health should solely be from Health Agencies, not a political tool, and if leaders do should be held accountable.
ReplyAvoiding more deaths makes these questions simply silly. Those that resist vaccine & masks are the weak minded being culled from the herd.