Do you think liquor prices should be raised by 20%?
Yes, prices should be raised!
No, too expensive!
These increases will never slow or stop those that advise alcohol. The government needs to stop trying the punish all for the acts of a few. There are plenty of programs already funded by tax player dollars. Just stop trading is to death.
Reply ReplyNo FEE or TAX has ever dissuaded the consumption of any item pleaded by the government as to this necessity of saving what it's pointed at. Just padding the coffers everywhere, don't you know!
Reply ReplyNO!!! This is horrible liberal logic, the problem is the Demarcate control freaks closing things down. The closures have hurt more people than the virus by millions. Liberal logic, a person has a gunshot wound, lets stab him with a knife and see if that helps. Duh! Democrats, shut up and open up
Reply ReplyThis is ridiculous, why punish the masses for the few that cannot control themselves. This is just another way to raise taxes in the state of Oregon, give us a break!
Reply ReplyNoone knows where the extra tax money would go or how it would be wasted. Seems OR soulution to every problem is to raise taxes, give free stuff and not hold abusers accountable. Just tax everyone. Typical liberal mindset.
Reply ReplyIt amazes me that this never ends. Isn’t enough, enough? When your residents have to drive over the California border to buy their liquor that alone should tel you that Oregon liquor prices are outrageous! Only a drone with no brain would ask for more. It’s the liberal solution to everything!
Reply ReplyYou just increase the incentive to go to Hilt CA to buy liquor. I think there should be a tax on organizations like this offering unsolicited proposals on taxing others who are doing something they disagree with. It could reduce the number of busy bodies.
Reply ReplyBecause this is a typical bureaucrat's/politician's solution, punish the masses for the actions of a few. Perhaps the state should practice better budget management and purchasing practices since these expensive services are likely contracted.
Reply ReplyRestaurant industry has had enough of a hard time. Increased costs of an additional 20% would be crippling.
Reply ReplyRaising liquor prices that much will make moonshining and bootlegging profitable again. If the state monopoly cannot out compete bootleggers the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Cartel might as well go out of business. Where there is a demand, it WILL be met with a supply. Choose wisely, revenuers
Reply ReplyJust like cigs--the addicts will find the money. How many down-and-out people on corners, begging for help are smoking? They will find $ for smokes and alcohol rather than food and other help. We need better programs and facilities to help addictions.
Reply ReplyOregon government needs to learn how to manage their finances better. They get the money, they have enough!! They need to take pay cuts as they are NOT DOING THEIR JOBS they were hired for, by the people who just happen to pay their wages!!!
Reply Reply
Fund to pay people who lose family members due to an idiot drunk...on top of taking everything the drunk ever owned or ever will own....scum!
ReplyMaybe it'll slow down the drunks , who drink too much & then try to drive!!