Do you think federal troops should stay in Portland or leave?
They need to leave!
They need to stay!
There's absolutely NO difference in people from a foreign country coming here and terrorizing citizens. THEY ARE TERRORIST'S
Reply ReplyYou bet! Whatever it takes to point people home and off the streets. NEGATIVE ACTIONS deserve NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES 4 sure!!
Reply ReplyDuh. When local protection is not provided, who else is going to provided it? It is federal property, so who else to protect it then?
Reply ReplyPortland and Ted Wheeler has failed to protect the citizens and businesses. After the protesters burn it to the ground I don't want them here next.
Reply ReplySomeone needs to take action and obviously the mayor and state leadership isn’t.
Reply ReplyUntil these rioters stop destroying property they need to stay and throw all them in prison!
Reply ReplyThis is not peaceful protest, but absolute anarchy trying to change total government with far left control; mayor & governor don't care about the property damage& citizen welbeing
Reply ReplyPortland is burning and the city , state officials are letting it happen while hamstringing the police. This is NOT the Presidents fault.
Reply Reply
It's another political stunt by Trump in a desperate attempt to win points since he's losing in the polls. And, yes, the fed troops are escalating tensions!
ReplyThese are more like Brownshirts, secret police, masked in unmarked vehicles. Send them back to the Whitehouse.
ReplyThe USA is not a police state. These *unmarked* enforcement troops have no business in Portland or any other US city. It reeks of fascism.
ReplyTrump is making it politics.
ReplyThe feds are acting illegally. They are brutal and violent and have to go; they have no right being here.
ReplyIt is hard enough for the Governor of any state to do what is right for its people with out the Feds coming in and stirring the pot.
ReplyThey weren't asked to be there and should never have been there in the first place. LEAVE!
ReplyThis is not a police state. Federal police state that is. As long as it is peaceful protests, we don't need trump's goons.
ReplyThe presence of unidentified men throwing American citizens into unmarked cars is what happens in dictatorships. Not only unconstitutional, it should alarm every single American.
ReplyThey are not wanted and they are not good at what they are trying to do. They are inciting and engaging in more violence than they are discouraging.
ReplyWe need federal secret police taking over every city in every state. Only King Trump's federal government can save us now. Long live the New Deep State, long live King Trump, there is only He! Amen !!