Do you support the new mask/gathering restrictions?
Yes, more is needed.
No, too far.
People should decide. Let those that want to wear a mask, do so. Let each person decide what is best for them and those they live around. Let those who are compromised, or scared, stay home.
Reply ReplyMasks work for keeping people from spreading the virus, not to keep you from getting it. 35 year ICU health professional
Reply ReplyThe group rule is an infringement of 1st Amendment rights to peaceably assemble.
Reply ReplyIt's my life my body my choice. It's just another knock down for the people. We have the right to choose. We the people have a choice. Governor Kate Brown keeps taking our Civil Rights.
Reply Reply
Abortion is wrong it should only be used if the mothers life is in danger or in case of rape of a minor
No, you do not have the right to risk the health of others. A mask won't help you, you're right, but it will keep you from spreading it if you are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. GET OVER YOURSELF!
We have to shut down. No doubt it will hurt people financially but if we dont stop the spread on covid now, we wont at all. There will be more deaths.
ReplyIf more people do not want to follow the mask wearing rule, then they should not complain when businesses start to close again to prevent the spreading.
ReplyPeople are not being smart about protecting themselves or other people. Unfortunately, this necessitates the Governor to develop a widespread approach to reduce the infection rate. Good for her!
ReplyYes I do. Our so called leader continues to ignore the situation, focusing on his re-election only. He is totally useless.
ReplyIt's the only way to stop this. Even with this, if everyone has respect for the health of others instead of living selfishly, and wears masks it will take 2-3 more months to stop the contagion.
ReplyThere are no absolutes in the 1st amendment. There are numerous Supreme Court decisions that limit 1st amendment rights. Donald Trump has declared a national emergency, so our rights may be limited.
ReplySCIENCE! This is not an individual decision like 'should I wear a raincoat today' and it is up to me if I get wet. This virus is largely asymptomatic so protect yourself and those you love and care about (and all humans) this is not for ever- history has taught us and it is clear what we have to do
ReplyCome on people! Can we all just wear masks all the time for a few months? Countries that did so are back to normal. Meanwhile, our grandparents, parents, friends and neighbors are dying.
ReplyYou won't be able to show a "smile" if you're dead! And Gov is not mandating what we do in our homes. We are in a bad state of surge, and need the restrictions! those crying about "rights" are idiots!
ReplyHeaded home in Sisters yesterday. I counted 37 people hangin' out visiting-sitting closely-shoulder to shoulder on the West end of Cascade licking cones-I wondered how many were locals-if any!...Hmmm?
ReplyI think this needed to done....too many people were ignoring preventative measures and were not observing social distancing guidelines.