Do you support the extension of the ban on fireworks?
Yes, we're having extreme weather!
No, it shouldn't be extended.
City officials said fireworks were banned until the 9th and now they're extending the ban? i don't agree with this.
City officials said fireworks were banned until the 9th and now they're extending the ban? i don't agree with this.
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Tiffani Breitels
Not everyone is irresponsible with fireworks. I dont see anything wrong with letting off some fireworks in the street, like the past 27 years I've been alive.......
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Wait until New Years!!
ReplyIt makes zero sense to have humans running around with fire creating devices when Mother Nature is doing an excellent job of starting too many fires on her own.
ReplyIt is always at a time when there is great fire Danger in our Area, I support permanent Ban on all fireworks, have a nice Parade instead and a Picnic in the Drake Park or other parks, with ball games and watermelon!
ReplyYes, the weather, but July 4th is OVER! There is no reason for random fireworks, especially during such dangerous weather.
ReplyIt's extremely annoying listening to sudden pops of explosions all times of the day, not to mention it goes on for days. People with PTSD and animals certainly don't need this too add to their anxiety. I've also noticed illegal fireworks from WA growing and what about air pollution? GET RID OF THEM!
ReplyFor the sake of Veterans with PTSD and for the sake of pets it should be permanently banned. The 4th is not for celebrating fireworks, Its for celebrating break from British rule and the Veterans and minute men that fought for it. Ironic that the way we celebrate it triggers PTSD in Veterans.
ReplyMakes sense.
ReplyThis ban should be permanent. No more fireworks for personal use. If you don't like it, move. We Central Oregonians do not like wild fires. Save our forest, personal property and wildlife. This is a major step towards it.
ReplyIt only makes sense.
ReplyI’m voting on behalf of my dog. He votes for no fireworks ever.
ReplyFire danger is still extreme. A permanent ban would be a good thing.