Do you support Oregon keeping half your 2020 kicker tax rebate?
Yes, pay off debt!
No, that's my cash!
It was voted in to keep the government from grabbing every dollar they can. Do the job with what you get.
Reply ReplyWhen are people going to wake up and vote this corrupt incompetent government out of Oregon???
Reply ReplyYeah, right! Arn't we all are so forgiving for giving our hard earned money away to the community chest to squander and pad the pockets of politicos that think we're not looking. I see you!!!!
Reply ReplyAnother reason to vote Republican. Dem's always want to raise our taxes. It's our money to be given back to us.
Reply ReplyDamn "PROGRESSIVE"? Democrats never have enough $s, but always promise more than can be funded without debt.
Reply ReplyWe voted for the rebate. Frigging California people that have moved to Oregon need to go back.
Reply ReplyIt's not the state's money!! It's our money. Who do these people think they are for Christ's sake.
Reply ReplyWhat are they doing with the marijuana money? Do they have to take ours? NO - and I’ll vote against anyone who approves this!
Reply ReplyThat my money. Kate Brown has taken enough of our money in Central Oregon for her pet projects in Portland and the I-5 corrador. She doesn't care about us over here east of the cascades.
Reply Reply
We need to get rid of the Kicker all together and use it to fund state programs.