Do you support impeachment proceedings?
More Dem deflection. How about the fact that the Dems wrote a letter to Ukraine in May of 2018 demanding they investigate Trump?!! Let the hypocrisy of that sink in for a moment. Impeach themselves!
Reply ReplyHigh crimes and misdemeanors has never been defined as being butthurt over losing the election.
Reply ReplyThe only reason the democrats and career politicians want to impeach president trump is because he has proven how useless they really are. since his taking office they have done nothing productive
Reply ReplyHe's done what no sitting president has done before. We need more like him. He's not a coward, he's making advancements everyday. Good, bad or indifferent I will vote for him again!
Reply ReplyImpeachment doesn't happen just because you don't like Trump! There are no impeachable offenses! Stop wasting our tax dollars! Get to work and do something constructive for the country!
Reply ReplyThe Dem’s just have it in for the President, ever since he was elected. They are amoral. They are trying to lead this country into the cesspool and cannot accept that the President loves the USA.
Reply ReplyIts tiresome watching the democrats try to bring down the president. They keep trying to find a reason, but nothing yet, and its hurting our country.
Reply Replydemocrat's are like snotty kids they lost and have done everything to destroy this President they need to realize the truth. THEY ARE THE PARY TRYING TO DESTROY THE United States.
Reply ReplyDefinitely and why was his son working for yeah for who? supposedly for $10,000 a month? and he was doing again uhmm yeah what was he doing and was some of this work under the table? Dollar sign?
So disgusting. Nothing but a blatant witch hunt. Get back to work or go home .
Reply ReplyAnother "Witch Hunt" from the most corrupt part of the so called Government. The current Democratic party is going to ruin this country if we let them get away with it!
Reply ReplyPull up your big boy and girl panties, you lost, get over it, go back to work, to much crying is not good for you....
Reply ReplyUnconstitutional to impeach a president out of office. More important matters to attend to
Reply ReplyAbuse of power, lying to get her way without any impeachable offense. Nancy should be arrested for treason sedition and spend the rest of her life in prison
Reply ReplyIt’s getting very tiresome having one side of the isle continuously try to waste precious time & taxpayer dollars to push their own agendas versus working on compromise to help their own constituency.
Reply ReplyThere are no grounds for impeachment. As the President said, only a fool would say something on a phone line with lots of ears. And Trump is not a fool.
Reply Reply
Its a waste of time https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2019/09/24/impeachment-desperate-democrats-know-they-cant-beat-trump/?fbclid=IwAR3znDiqYR5mCsy-l16bVd8Sx9ZI3tCyK3iZBvMKa1cNUxItyvUrdpbCeBI
Reply Reply
Because he is incompetent, corrupt, egocentric, insane and has made a mockery of our nation both internally and abroad-It will take years to correct all the wrong he has done and it can't start 2 soon
ReplyHis flagrant disregard for Constitution, obstruction of justice, collusion and now direct bribery of a foreign government to collude in his reelection. He is mentally ill.
ReplyTrump is a daily liar, a fraud, and a con. I am incredulous at the numbers who worship him...cultist fools all!!
ReplyHe is an insult to our country.
ReplyHe's mentally unfit and unmoral to be be President. He's a poor example for our children, and an embarrassment to the rest of world. The sooner he's out of office, the sooner this country can heal.
ReplyThe man publicly instructed people to defy Congressional Subpoenas. Case Closed.
Replytrump is a fraud
ReplyTrump has been bending and breaking the rules since he got into office. He's doing the same thing he did with Hillary. He knows we are watching Russia so he went to Ukraine instead to go after Biden.
ReplySo many reasons, but a President should be held to a higher standard of conduct. Corruption, collusion...he’s gotta go!
ReplyWhat's taking so long? Get this mentally ill crook out of office. Problem is some say Pence would be worst. According to Pence God talks to him and guides him. I really don't think it is God now Satan
Replythe guy is a crook from day one
ReplyBecause he's a total mess and a disgrace to America
ReplyIf it is proven that he broke the law, He should be held accountable
ReplyTrump has made it plain he has no regard for ethics, public welfare, or the laws of our country. Maybe there will not be proof of impeachable conduct but his behavior has made it necessary to find out
ReplyIt is an impeachment proceeding, not impeachment. Let the proceeding gather evidence to determine whether a vote by the House for impeachment, and a trial by the Senate, is warranted
ReplyIt's time to get the embarrassment out of the Whitehouse.
ReplyTrump is a danger to our Democracy. He needs to be gone!
ReplyYes because it will give Trump a surge in support and will assure his victory in 2020.