Do you support BPD decision to remove 'thin blue line' from cars?

You don’t have enough space for me to say why I support the thin blue line, but the most is to show respect for LE. Shame on you Chief, What’s next the American flag above your Police Department?
Reply ReplyGreat comment! Maybe the Bend PD should be issued Whiffle Bats instead. The BPD needs to stop caving to the people with nose rings.
The majority of citizens Support the Thin Blue Line and yet you New Guy (police chief) go with those who want to re-imagine the BPD. What's wrong with this picture??? Don't bring your PDX values here
Reply ReplyJust shows that Bend is becoming like Portland and racist.BLM. LGBQT flags and apparel is fine. The police should be able to display support on their cars. Sad to see Bend going in this direction.
Reply ReplyA stunningly poor decision. Looks like Krantz is bringing dangerous Portland liberal ideology to Bend. Please pray with me for all the outstanding law enforcement personnel in our area. They need it!
Reply ReplyToo bad the new police chief is bringing Portland politics to Bend. I was worried and now it's confirmed.
Reply Replyvery sad day....it is now not safe to go to Bend. You let a bunch of filthy street freaks rule you? What did you achieve?
Reply ReplyMore cancel culture. By doing this the new chief has insighted division. What will he cancel next. We need to support law enforcement not tear them down. He just tore the officers of his Dept. down
Reply ReplyI'd like to know specific personal examples of the division the Chief stated the blue line created. It seems, he created division by removing the blue line. Leave it to a chief from PDX to do this.
Reply ReplyIt was meant for police department to have good feelings and meaning to them not the public. This division crap is getting out of hand!!
Reply ReplyThe “new” Police chief is a Portland racist!. Doing what’s right for the entire community doesn’t alienate half of it!
Reply ReplyThat thin blue line symbolically represents our support and when Chief Krantz had it ripped off the patrol cars today, he threw it back in our faces. He will regret this come the day he needs us!
If our BPD thinks that removing the blue line from their vehicles offends certain groups, then I'm offended by their wording on their cars that states "Protects and Serves."
Reply ReplyIt is disrespectful to the first responders who serve, and to those who have died. I never thought it was divisive, it is a show of respect and support for first responders.
Reply Replynew chief to much for appeasement should go back to old job do not need his attitude.
Reply ReplyMaybe consider adding the BLM logo to all your patrol vehicles. This is a disrespect to all law enforcement officers that have died in the line of duty. Stop listening to those with nose rings.
Reply ReplyIn this poll, 86% do not support the removal of the blue line. So I would assume a fair poll, not on a liberal news site, it would be more like 99% I have to question where our police actually stand.
Reply ReplyBecause it is just another right being taken away from us because others are all butt hurt.
Reply ReplyNeed to replace new Chief and most of Bends Leadership this is not the Bend We Love
Reply ReplyI am disappointed that the police chief has decided to not honor those in law enforcement by removing this symbol. We should educate as to what it symbolizes vs. remove due to a small uneducated group
Reply Reply
Because not all cops are honest. https://tinyurl.com/yyajb92k
ReplyThe police are paid for by all of us. He realizes the blue line has evolved from its original meaning to being more an F-U to half the population who believe there is still a major racial divide here.
ReplyI hit yes on accident! I totally meant NO I do not support this. I just woke up!! 😱