Do you look forward to a busy summer concert season?
Yes, all those great artists and music!
No, all those crowds, all that traffic!
Missi Baldwin
I would have looked forward to this concert season except, the prices have gone sky high and low chairs are no longer aloud.
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Rick Allen
I would not go to a concert if they paid me! Crowds, traffic, noise...pa...leese
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Pat Glandon
Too loud. They disturb my piece and quiet. Can't sleep before midnight.. why do they have to be so loud. There should be a rule about how loud they get. Why does the whole city have to lie subjected almost nightly for a few, probably most from out of town
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A lot more artists; however, HHA is really gouging concert-goers with their ban on low chairs, just so they can charge $10 to rent 1 of theirs. Really greedy and unnecessary. As I have said b4, there was never a need to measure low chairs, just as ACB never has and there has never been a problem.
ReplyFun aspect of Bend! And I live near the Amphitheater. Amazing to get this level of artists in Bend.