Do you agree with Bend-La Pine schools' virtual graduation plan?
Yes, right call
No, be creative!
There are other ways to get around the lack of a traditional ceremony. I've seen so many alternative ideas with flair nationwide.
There are other ways to get around the lack of a traditional ceremony. I've seen so many alternative ideas with flair nationwide.
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Tom Hamper
Invite only immediate family (parents & siblings) and graduates and have the ceremony as normal. Let's have some common sense again.
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April Grisamore-Olsen
They should do a “car” parade for the seniors. Decorate their car’s and their family can be in the car too. Then the principal can give them their diplomas. This will give them something memorable.
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It is unfortunate this has to happen, but hopefully this is the worst that happens in their lives. They are alive, they still have a future. It is sad that they have to miss some of the milestones in