Are you staying home?
Dalia J. Martinez M
I work in a memory care facility. That's residents lives I have on my hands
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Stephanie Allard
My job continues, I get groceries, and still carry on life outside. I just stay further away from people doing it.
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Amisha Reenalda
I still have bills that have to be paid and in order to do that I have to go to work like most people in the US that don't have anybody to rely upon.
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Lori DeJarnatt
I have a job! Many will not, but I feel lucky to keep mine. We are keeping our distance and using lots of cleaner and hand sanitizer. We are encouraging our customers to do the same.
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ReplyBecause I never go out of the house except to walk my dog or go for runs
ReplyOf course
ReplyI work in a senior living facility and felt terrible about not continuing to serve our residents. But I am in two high risk groups -- elderly and chronic lung disease. I really need to isolate.
ReplyJust trying to follow what the medical professionals have been requesting we all do.
ReplyNot by choice or because of COV-ID19. I had surgery on my foot and I'm confined to a flat boot until the end of May. That means no driving and not much walking.
ReplyI care!
ReplySelf quarantine to mitigate spread
ReplyMy exposure will result in the exposure of many others, and likely, their deaths. Despite the low threat to me personally, I recognize my responsibility towards others.
Replyit is imperative to help protect the community. this is nothing like anyone has seen before
ReplyWe are over 65 and will stay home as long as necessary