Commented "Why so they can control us. Biden trying to mandate virus certification on passports or etc. no way. In basil. Of privacy and HIPPA this is not Russia or China. Much less a socialist country. Americans will not stand for either. "
Commented "She can’t even handle the press secretary. Biden and his Ho, Harris just made this country so f!!!! Up. They are going to get us in a civil rights war. This is not a socialist/communist country period!!!! Both of them are so evil looking. "
Commented "Now he’s opening a flood gate of illegals when he cannot take care of our country.. like homeless,veterans, and allowing Antifa/BLM do what they want. And what or who is screening these illegals ie. Convid19 ms13 sex offenders and much more. He (Biden) is not thinking of these southwestern borders. "
Commented "Voter fraud. Biden did not win straight up. Biden & the Ho Harris are corrupt. To much evidence in Az. To even be asking that question. Biden & Ho Harris while in Yuma had maybe 15-30 total supporters. Seriously! Americans did not vote this guy into office. It was mail in fraud and voters machines "
Commented " Due to their radical changing to the far far left. We need a Governor like Susan Huckleberry stand up against this socialist government of the U S and follow other states like Texas about border caravans, and a sanctuary state for the 2nd amendment. Americans will not stand by for this "
Commented "Because Californians are moving to Az. And now they are pushing/voting our state into a blue state/Democratic. No people in Az. Better wake up or this state will be exactly like California f!!! Up/liberals/socialist. Look at their state. Homeless in L A San Francisco, and their government/governor."
Commented "He and his Ho/Harris should be embarrassed/ashamed of themselves because of voting fraud and his son hunter and his hands on the money from China& Russ "
Commented "The president did not provoke no rioting, or what pelosi claims. The blm/Antifa were burning, killing, Firebombs, And pelosi , shummer/Democrats especially Biden/HO, Harris done nothing or denounce them. In fact Harris bailed out all these terrorist. Democrats make provoked all
Commented "Why! Because Biden is soo not a leader. And after the he/they higher aboves rigged the election. Trump will be back. This time you socialist/liberals better be worried. Biden will get us in war and conflict in this country... and remember karma. Biden’s supporters will be in shock of this socialis."