Who had the better Taylor Swift costume?
Savannah Guthrie
My mom didn't like the character of Archie Bunker & the way he spoke to his wife. Plus she hated hearing Edith's whiney voice when she'd say "Charrrllliie" & that she was cast as an oblivious air-head. She wasn't much of a Jefferson's fan either since we lived in a rural area & they were city aprtmt
Reply ReplyGeorge was never verbally abusive and disrespectful to Weezy. While Archie was those things as well as ignorant. As a child watching the show it always made me sad. Cause I would think about all the women being treated like that in real life.
Reply ReplyI loved both shows , all the sitcoms from Norm Lear in the 70’s were the best , that’s when TV was so funny we had real clean comedy ,I would laugh hysterically every night . I don’t even watch tv except for the news because it’s all boring , nothing is funny . Bring all these shows back please
Reply ReplyGrowing up, my family and I watched this show together every week and the series left me with great familial memories.
Reply ReplyIt showed me what I lived in poverty. However, it showed me what I could become as a mixed raced child, raised by my white grandmother...god bless her soul.
Reply ReplyI love The Jeffersons! George was funny and he didn't take any crap from anyone. At that time he put a lot of prejudice white people in there place. The woman who played his mother was funny. His house keeper Florence was just as hilarious as George. The theme song Moving On Up was the best ever!
Reply ReplyThe Jeffersons was the best, you finally saw a black man who owned his own business fare n square.
Reply ReplyI loved the show and use to watch it all the time as a kid. It was funny, just hilarious 😂
Reply ReplyOne of the greatest funniest shows!! There was no better comedy than those that He created may he rest in peace
Reply ReplyI can recall growing up watching this show. A lot of laughter went on while watching it. Then when the Jeffersons came out we watched that too. Again, with a lot of laughter! And before everyone goes freaking out about All In The Family for having a racist character in it, so did The Jeffersons!
Reply ReplyNone of the other shows would have existed had their characters not been developed in this show. Plus Carol O'Connor, a lifelong liberal, did a masterful job portraying his bigoted big mouth character. And Edith! Jean Stapleton was a genius & she perfectly offset Archie. I still ❤️ this show!
Reply ReplyA brand new one of a kind NEW type of TV series that was highly successful 👍🏻✅❤️
Reply ReplyIt was the original! Jefferson spun off of "all in the family". I love both shows but all in the family touched on so many serious issues of the day. Really the first of its kind. Edith with the menopause, Gloria and Feminism. Mike with Social justice and "loveable" bigot Archie!.
Reply ReplyI was a kid when it was on, but my parents - who were socially progressive for the times - watched it, and thus so did I. It was an education for me on the ways of society that I had yet to experience/observe for myself, I also enjoyed getting the same from his other shows as well!
Reply ReplyI just think it would be the coolest thing to see those two singing together Blake and Nile oh yeah definitely
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Savannah's performance was awesome.
ReplyStrong effort.
ReplyShe nailed it.
ReplyActually the Sam Schacher on Daily Blast Live was better.
ReplySavannah just nailed it better imo. Kelly's was good too. Just not as
ReplySavannah looked more like Taylor.