How often do you (really) have sex?
Often enough
Not nearly enough
Often enough
Not nearly enough
Because it's the problem I'm dealing with with my Man. It's the quality I want. Not the quantity of sex.
Reply ReplyNot since 2007. But that is a personal choice since I left my ex. Yeah it was really that bad.
Reply ReplyI've been on anti-depressants since 1993 when I was at my mother's death bed. She went kicking and screaming. I got put on anti-depressants which calmed me down but robbed me of sex life. Impotent.
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I am 4 1/2 yrs out of marriage. Have dated guys while they claimed initially they were men. So I refuse to be sexually active without intamacy. Hence my answer of Not Nearly Enough
Reply ReplyI'm married to a person that is totally uninterested and has been since the day we got married. :(
Reply Replywe are married for 33years and have actual intercourse about once every month and a half. This is far from where we want to be. I would like it daily and my wife maybe yearly. Masturbation helps
Reply ReplyI'm a 54 y.o. very overweight woman, married for 11 years who has bipolar2 and major depression disorder. I just don't feel like having sex, bur when I do, I do enjoy it. I think my hubby is a ottie
Reply ReplyI am 61 yrs old and my husband is 72. I'm not sure if the romance has gone out of our 38 year marriage or not but he just doesn't seem interested. Not that he ever did.
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I have five children. That is all!
Replyafter 20 years of marriage, it gets bette and better
ReplyDifferent strokes for different folks.
Replysome weeks it is two or three times, other weeks it is once or twice....but always at least once. We work odd hours so sometimes we have to choose odd times to have sex. Totally worth finding time
ReplyHaven't had sex, or even kissed or been on a date since about 1992. And I'm fine and happy with that. To each their own.
ReplyI’m happy with my sex life. We have it often enough to satisfy both of us.
ReplyI've been celibate for a number of years after having more than an active sex life. Would take someone pretty special to change that.
ReplyAt least twice a week.
ReplyWith my schedule, and my fiance's, we choose sleep over sex a lot of times. But, we do make up for it. :)