Who's side are you on in Scarlett Johannsson's lawsuit against Disney about Black Widow streaming?
Trevor Thomas
I choose Disney because people at home who are positive of Covid-19 and they can't go anywhere and movie theater for two weeks. Kevin Feige and Scarlett Johansson are a big mistake and they haven't thought about other people who are stayed at home from positive Covid-19 in two weeks.
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It's my understanding that her pay was based on ticket sales, so if she feels shorted due to people streaming vs. going into the theater, Disney should pony up some money for her.
ReplyShe has the right to get that money and Disney broke a pretty strong bond between them
ReplyScarlett was totally underpaid for the movie. Her acting was amazing, and she played the role perfectly. Disney did not pay her fairly, especially because this was her sendoff from Marvel.
ReplyDisney took advantage of their actors through a minor loophole in the contract (the success of Disney+ had not been anticipated when the contract was signed), and if the real reason that Black Widow was on Disney+ early was COVID then it would have cost the same as theater tickets, not 3x more.
ReplyI believe she’s worked hard and deserves a good pay
ReplyFor me it's not about the money. It's about disney breaking her contract. I feel that she's sueing because she's so big she can totally afford it but the smaller actors and actresses can't. I think she's doing it so they can't get away with doing it to smaller people.
ReplyBecause they screwed her by releasing it that way. Theaters first, let it run, then tv. It's the way it's always been done, except when you're trying to screw over your top talent.
Replybecause it wasn’t in her contract and she lost like 50 mil or something from them premiering it on Disney plus at the same time as in theaters. Plus she waited over a decade for her characters movie just for some shitty stuff like this to happen. I’m 100% on scarletts side no doubt.
ReplyDisney is evil child groomers.
ReplyThere’s lots of stars that Disney has done this to
ReplyThe breach of the contract and they must pay her. Plus, this wouldn't be an issue if she were a man!
Replybecause these people aren't getting what they deserve for these roles not even the behind the scenes people
ReplyDisney knows they handled this wrong
ReplyThey didnt give her money for a movie she has been with for 12 years and let's act like disney isnt known for doing this a lot or stealing from smaller corporations
ReplyThink David v' Goliath,...actors within a mega franchise as Marvel, regardless of theater door ticket sales still need to get paid amicably....DO THE RIGHT THING!!!! Karma is a bitch!
ReplyTeam Scarlett because she got under paid, breached contract, and lots of people don’t like black widow. But I’m here to say I am a black widow fan I like her and she sacrificed herself to save half the universe. And did not even get a funeral scene in endgame. How disappointing
ReplyCause she’s my wife
ReplyScarJo was screwed over. She deserves as much respect and money as the male Avengers did. Not her fault a pandemic hit.
ReplyBecause she’s has the right and they should have talked to her about their idea but Disney was a little right but Scarlett.
ReplyDisney is a huge company who abuses their workers and is trying to monopolize the film industry, I will never be on their side. Also, IATSE is going on strike right now against streaming services, it’s a problem in the industry in general. Johansson is in the right.
ReplyFirst off, she gave them the option the redeem themselves and keep it silent. She just wanted her rightful earnings. But NO INSTEAD Disney decided to just push it off as if a women as powerful as her wouldn’t come back at them. 60 million is NOTHING to Disney. And you guys couldn’t? Shame.
ReplyDisney didn’t specify that the movie would premiere simultaneously on streaming, thereby severely limiting the box office draw
ReplyBecause Disney needs to be brought down some. They cheated Scarlett and she deserves the money.
ReplyDisney went against her contract and made her loose millions and got mad at her for getting mad at loosing money and decided to ban her from future projects
ReplyShe has the right to get that money and Disney broke a pretty strong bond between them
ReplyDisney back-doored her by releasing it on demand due to Covid and not giving her a percentage. Should have cut her in or delayed the release as Tom Cruise did with his last 2 movies.
ReplyBecause the studios have consistently tried to screw all their employees. Only a union can stop the abuse.
ReplyAs a few have said, if her contract was to include ticket sales and Disney decided to stream it for extra cash, theg owe her some of that income too
Replyit’s simple they breeches her contract there is no two ways around it
ReplyWell look at Shang chi? Lesser movie that is killing it because they didn’t stream it
ReplyDisney breached contract, period.
Replyi vouch for scarlett, shes dedicated 10+ years building this hero, disney will make trillions in the coming decades which she helped with some millions, she's no different than the other amazing cast members, she should be treated equally.
ReplyThey broke a contract regardless if she’s rich or not they screwed her out of a shit ton of money.
ReplyHer pay was based on ticket sale and disney+ shorten it without consent.
ReplyBecause the broke the contract and she was the executive producer for that film which mean she put in her own money to see the project through, only for her to cheat her out of her money.!
ReplyThey should have asked for her approval.
Replyshes hot
ReplyDisney did not keep to their end of the contract! Therefore, any lawyer or judge would agree that Scarlett Johansson deserves to win this case!
ReplyI dislike big corporation's that bullies women and don't give credit or take advantage of women who they employ basically those who think that having power and wealth can abuse others and mistreat them she's an amazing actress and a wonderful human being love her
ReplyIn an environment where COVID is a concern for people at high-risk, it would make sense for Disney to generously pay Scarlett for streaming revenues. She upped Marvel value by billions and was very dedicated every step of the way. Common Disney, show a little heart.
ReplyThey could have done exactly what they are doing for Shang Chi or renegotiated the contract. Instead, her reps were stonewalled, the box office tanked due to pirating, and she lost a fortune. Also, it's a known fact that China will not show movies from other countries in July.
ReplyDisney should have included streaming in her cut. The should of updated her contract before they released. Disney has a long history of doing people wrong.
ReplyBecause they had no right to do what they did she deserves everything 😀
ReplyPay artists for their work.
ReplyI want theatrical windows to be what Disney goes back to moving forward.
ReplyMovie should’nt have been streamed while in theaters!!
ReplyViolating the contract is against the law. Under the law, once a contract is breached, the guilty party, Disney, must remedy the breach.
ReplyBecause they broke the contract rules about her movie not being on Disney+
ReplyThey had a contract, it was for theatrical release and that's their base pay. Not just hers they've to pay EVERYONE involved in the movie and making of the movie. By releasing to Disney premiere they lost what they earned. Disney should fork over profits Disney should wait a mont to release any film
ReplyHonestly it's more the principle than the money. Disney is trying to portray her as money-hungry when in fact the opposite is true. Disney is being a bully.
ReplyDisney needs to remember who & how they got to where they are at. W/O these people, they have a challenging product. Plus, a contract is only as good as it is honored by both parties. Disney has not lived up to their end of the contract but belittling Scarlett & saying it is because of COVID-19 😔
ReplyBecause they are contractually obligated to stick with the agreement stated. Period
ReplyThey had an agreement about what was supposed to happen and Disney didn’t hold up their end of the deal- Scarlett deserves the money
ReplyDisney broke their contract with her and cost the entire cast lots of income and they refused to renegotiate. Disney took advantage of the covid situation unfairly.
ReplyShe deserves the money 💯 percent and I think it’s absolutely outrageous that Disney isn’t paying her the amount she requires. It’s disgusting how Disney treats women and I think she hasn’t gotten enough credit for her incredibly amazing acting skills and she’s just awesome! SHE DESERVES THE MONEY!
ReplyIt was in her contracts that the movie would have only a theatrical release. Disney didn’t honor that so she has the right to sue. Not to mention how poorly Disney has been treating this whole thing. Scarlett’s in the right.
ReplyDisney is evil incarnate
ReplyIt’s her right to file a lawsuit against Disney and all. Sure, the new movie, “Black Widow” wasn’t as successful as you guys think it is, but it is a good movie! Scarlett Johansson deserves better, and we’ll always be there for her and to support her throughout her journey! Best of luck to Scarlett!
ReplyI respect SJ because she's a powerful woman figure. All those fake Disney Princess skanks get way more respect and aren't even real
ReplyDisney straight up lied & breached the Contract they made with her.When they released BW on Disney+!!!
ReplyDisney don't know how to work on marvel movies they messing them up thats why sonys don't want to do another spider-man movie with them hobos they should stick to they're own tv shows and movies of there own stop messing with Scarlett Johansson Disney matafact marvel stop dealing with Disney they su
ReplyShe made her character in the marvel movies
ReplyIf it was a man they would get paid in full amount
ReplyBecause disney did her wrong.
ReplyI voted for Scarlett because, it’s her own movie thats about her, especially since she’s not getting paid enough, and since Disney+ released it, she won’t make as much, because when people go to the cinemas to see the movie she would make more in box office.
ReplyLegal precedent has already been set with Gal Godot and others where contracts were correctly and ethically updated to increase their income due to lost ticket sales vs simultaneous streaming. Disney didn’t even try to renegotiate in good faith. ScarJo income was based of ticket sales. Hope she wins
ReplyI feel like a large condition of her being willing to costar in so many films was that she would eventually get a standalone film and be able to reap the benefits of the box office as a lead. I hope she gets what she deserves.