With gyms closed, how has your exercise regime changed?
I'm working out more
I'm working out less
I'm working out more
I'm working out less
Shelley Green
I hardly exercise beyond walking to & from my car or grocery shopping before, during & currently.
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Mahta Mouse
HAHAHAHA! What is this word "exercise" you speak of?!? And "regime"?!? Sounds like a communist plot to me! I shall now go retire to my comfy place on the sofa with my soft wobby and remote...
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Doing 1/2 marathon a week instead of making excuses about not driving to gym
ReplyI work out at home as it takes the stress out of having to drive AND I can be private -
ReplyI walk three miles in the early AM and another three in the afternoon or eve....I feel sooo much better.
ReplyI have lost over 20 lbs or like 30 lbs so I'm doing better
Reply8 miles a day on the bike.
ReplyI now have time to do yoga twice a day. It has done wonders for my health and spirits.
ReplyI work out at home on WII fit.
ReplyJust got a home treadmill.
Replygym opened, back on schedule