What's your gift of choice for Valentine's Day?
Nimsaj Dnul
Flowers from 1-800flowers or other shops always end up in bad shape and don’t last as long as when I buy them personally. Chocolates last and last.
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There beautiful, they smell great, there more romantic.. Feels like ur man had to go to a little trouble to get them. They seem more mature. Who wants the calories from chocolate????
ReplyBecause they soon die, just like he did
ReplyFlowers are more personal. Everyone has a favorite flower that so if you get your significant other that flower it shows that you listen. Also getting a flower arrangements shows them their own beauty
ReplySo many people give candy as gifts - but this is really hard for those who are trying to be healthy/lose weight/eat less sugar. For me chocolate is such a temptation and can easily throw me off track.
ReplyFlowers elicit such strong emotions of love and thoughtfulness, making them a great gift to express how we feel about someone special. I enjoy chocolate, but flowers have a more lasting impression.
ReplyFlowers are beautiful beyond words, and don't have diet impact.
ReplyAs a lesbian with and wife and a one year old i love to give and receive flowers to my one true love Maren
ReplyI love flowers, possibly because my grandpa had an amazing Rose garden that I loved to walk through when I was little.
ReplyA lot of different kinds, smell good, more thoughtful
ReplyGuilt free
ReplyNeither are my gift of choice, but I like flowers more than chocolate. I'd rather receive nothing for such a frivolous day.