How many new books do you own that you have not yet read?
None, or one
More than one
None, or one
More than one
Maureen Hannon
I'm a lifelong book worm. Whenever I find a book that looks interesting, I read it. I don't buy novels, something I'll read once, I get those from the library. The books that I'll want to keep rereading, I get from the library to make sure that it's something i really want before I buy it. i'VEE
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Looking at a stack of 4 or 5 I bought the other week while we were in town, haven't got to them yet because I'm slowly working through "Gravity's Rainbow." Still some much older ones on the shelves here and there that I acquired but never yet have got around to. Ah joy!
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Robert Davidson
I like to read and have many books to look forward to. I don't always have the time to finish reading one book before buying another.
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I have read all of my books at least once.
ReplyI read what I buy.
ReplyI am a library person!
Replyi have several that i reread plus others that i pick up here ang there
Replyget my books from the library