How do you do the bulk of your shopping?
At a brick & mortar
At a brick & mortar
From groceries to clothes to furniture I prefer as many of my five senses as possible to be engaged. I enjoy the personal experience of shopping almost as much as purchasing the product.
Reply ReplyI want to be the only one handling my food, other than those who put it out, and I like to go, its the only outing I have left.
Reply ReplyI have purchased clothes on line and had mixed results...when it is bad it is really bad. So, I'm not a fan. Most everything I try to buy in a store because of bad online experiences.
Reply ReplyIt depends on the item. I do prefer to see most items before I purchase them.
Reply ReplyI prefer online shopping and will shop that way when possible. However, I do all grocery shopping, personal item shopping and medical shopping at a brick & mortar store.
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Instill like to imspect what I. Am getting. I have been painfully surprised by online purchases, even from trusted sites.
Reply ReplyFood shopping is such a large amount of weekly purchases. There are always items to pick up online now and then, but dollar for dollar local stores come out on top. Or grab & go for home projects.
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I prefer shopping at brick & mortar stores but live in an area with a limited selection so a lot of my holiday shopping is online.
ReplyDuring Covid I am responsible for the care and health of my own young children as well as my nephew. I don't feel comfortable loading up all the car seats and going into a store with three young kids
ReplyShopping is so much better when you can avoid people while doing it.
ReplyEver since the pandemic, I've been trying to stay out of stores.
ReplyI shop both ways, but on-line is so convenient.
ReplyLazy, I guess.
ReplyI don't drive, so shopping online makes it MUCH easier to comparison-shop and have gifts delivered.