Do you talk to other passengers during a flight?
Lexy Porter Banks
If I'm trapped in a metal tube with you, please don't try to make awkward conversation. I simply don't care, nor do I want to care.
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NNcy Ellington
I did at one time. Recent documentation of so many passenger's bad behavior has changed my attitude completely. There are 3 categories it seems: drunk....stoned....stupid or any combination thereof. S
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Audra McKean
It’s never a good idea to open that door. Getting it to close again can be next to impossible.
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Naomi Block
I prefer my headphones. Honestly it depends on who is seated next to me. I tend to be the sardine sandwiched between to whales manspreading on both sides of me.
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I usually fly on my own so it is nice to have a friendly conversation with someone and why there are going to the destination
ReplyI talk to anyone. I greet people and judge if they want to talk or not. I find people feel uncomfortable talking because they cannot get up and leave.
ReplyIt depends on my mood amd how tired I am. I've been silent on an 8 hour flight!
ReplySmall talk if they're open to it. It can break up a long, boring flight.
ReplyI enjoy meeting new people so when I get a friendly neighbor I love sharing a little bit of me with them. It helps the flight go by faster.
ReplyI enjoy learning about all people.
ReplyAlways nice to make new friends!
ReplyDepends on the passenger, but if appropriate a cordial conversation within reason is usually welcome.
ReplyYou never know, you might make a new friend!
ReplyIf they're open to it.