A rainy day is ...
A chance to do something indoors
A pain in the a**
A chance to do something indoors
A rainy day is a liquid sunshine day! It is whatever you make of it. In warmer weather I enjoy a walk in a gentle rain. There so many things to do inside as well. It's never boring
Reply...necasary Love the rain
ReplyI love havyan excuse to be indoors.
ReplyLove rainy days. It's "forces" you inside which can help you be productive or relax!
ReplyMy favorite day to enjoy cuddling with my pooch and reading a good book
ReplyA good day to read a book.
Replya chance to take a mental health day to read, drink tea, and just vegetate.
ReplyIt is a chance to do something indoors but also outdoors too. When you live in Oregon, you still go places but you might not stay as long outside. We know when someone is not from our area. They are the ones using an umbrella. 😁
ReplyI love the rain!
ReplyWe need rain to survive, not a big deal to me. I've seen plenty of concerts in the rain!
ReplyMost of our activites are indoors, anyway. It was mostly when my son was young, or we had outdoor plans that bad weather was irritating.
ReplyFlowers need water.
ReplyI love being inside or on my porch listening to the rain.