Commented "Because we need more border patrol over the entire border, not just at the ports of entry…
What kind of question is this anyway?
They’re not gonna bring drugs and illegal stuff through the port of entry if they have another option. This is simple facts.
People gotta be out of their minds"
Commented "This “gender” crap has gone on for long enough, this is getting ridiculous and closer to a mass psychosis event than anything helpful.
This is case, anyone that claims to (HONESTLY)be a different gender has got something called “gender dysphoria“… we wouldn’t do this crap to schizophrenic people…"
Commented "If they are not citizens of this country, they shouldn’t be allowed to own property here. I’m not talking about a car, I’m talking about homes or land. If you don’t wanna be a citizen of this country, then you shouldn’t be able to buy large items like houses or land here."
Commented "It’s just stupid, they should just give people 10 cents back if they recycle them. Saves everyone time and money. Plus homeless would benefit greatly from it "
Commented "Because it destroys businesses and punishes law abiding people. These stores aren’t selling anything to kids, it’s their older friends that are buying it for them. All this is doing is sending hundreds of millions in taxes and jobs to other states, CA will be worse off for it…"