If you were Levi, who would you have saved?
Erwin was the right choice for humanity tbh. Even with all Armin's accomplishments, Erwin has a list just as long and he doesn't panic like Armin did when Bertholdt didn't fall for the Annie line. Erwin orchestrated a nonviolent coup d'etat from a jail cell. That trumps anything armin ever did
Reply ReplyIf it was erwin half of the bad stuff that happens in S4 would not happen. Erwin is definitely one of the most 3 intelligent people in Aot (Erwin,Armin and Hange). What guy is able to motivate a army of newly recruited soilders into their death and he has way more experience.
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I just like Erwin way more. He is more of a commander then Armin he does not need his friends to cheer him up from being scared to thank of a plan.
Reply ReplyBecause Erwin smith is the man to lead the world into the future. He is the reincarnation of Kami (GOD) himself. The only reason he had to die was that ISAYAMA could not keep up drawing his massive balls of steel every time. Erwin smith had the cure for cancer AIDS and Alzheimers. THANK YOU
Reply ReplyI would pick erwin because he isn't scared cat and be doesn't need people to make him feel better
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Armin may lack leadership skills but that can be supplemented by pairing him together with Pyxis who does have strong leadership skills as well. Erwin is extremely intelligent but Armin is still slightly smarter.
ReplySame reason he did in the show. He finally let Erwin rest after being a feared “demon” for so long.
ReplyIn that sitiation I wouldnt know that humanity still exist and we have to deal with the whole world as our enemy in the future. So I would let Erwin to rest and put trust on little Armin. Erwin dont deserve to live in this cruel world. He had enough of this
ReplyHis intelligence and youth will definitely be able to save many lives
ReplyBoth are very intelligent, but Armin is the embodiment of youth and innocence that the world desperately needs.