What do you think about the Governor's two-week pause announcement?
I support it
I'm upset
Queen Brown has forgotten that she is a servant of the people. These mandates are just glorified suggestions, not laws. Kate Brown, and no other governor has the authority to override our constitutional rights. The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to prevent tyrants like these from controlling us.
Reply ReplyYou do not have any alternative ideas ,do you? I doubt it since you didn't offer any. Just a sniveling, comment. And if that's the best you can do, then you're totally irrelevant.
Lockdowns and "freezes" have shown to only postpone, not "cure" viral spread. Although I support not overwhelming hospitals, lockdowns are not the answer. Even Dr. Fauci and WHO have come out against lockdowns. Brown needs to listen to science, not the media pressure to "look" in control.
Reply ReplyMy wife and I own a very small business and are barely getting by now. These new restrictions could finish us and we have no safety net. America the concept is dead. They rigged an election and politicized the virus to assist them. What's left?
Reply ReplyBrown will go down as the worst Governor in Oregon's history. She is out of line, hurting many more people, this shutdown will not help anything but it will hurt a lot of people already hurting, this is so WRONG on so many levels. I had to cancel a trip, but I feel for all the food service people.
Reply ReplyYou cannot take away our freedom! Our natural immunity takes care of us! Not the government, and public officials! You cannot do this to America! But the sad part about this! We have allowed the insane agenda driven officials to decide our future! Stand up!
Reply Reply100 people die every day in Oregon. Only 6 people died of COVID in the last 2 days out of 200 deaths. And for this we destroy businesses and lives. I am 78 are you all insane?
Reply ReplyThe governor cannot use executive orders to essentially suspend the U.S. Constitution. Law enforcement has an oath and duty to the U.S constitution foremost, over what any authority figure tells them to try and enforce if it violates (the constitution). I urge business owners to take a stand.
Reply Reply2019 death from all reasons 2,900,689. 2020 to nov 16th. 2,487,350. That should wake people up. Where is the epidemic? Those are direct from the CDC
Reply Reply
Someone should tell the dummies protesting, in Bend, WITHOUT MASKS' THEY'RE part of the problem!!
ReplyBecause I myself and my family have been affected
ReplySomething needs to be done since people are so stubborn and selfish, if they see it or not. It's a terrible disease with possible lifetime implications known and unknown. I think this point hasn't been drilled into most people's heads.
ReplyAll for it! This surge is worse than it has EVER been. It's people getting lax or having never cared that are keeping us from getting ahead of this virus. And don't get me started on idiots who think a mask if "violating their rights." Puleez! That is the height of ignorance and partisanship.
ReplySo many of us now work from home, I'm OK with it if it will help decrease Covid in our communities and families.
ReplyI work in Urgent Care and we are very tired,