Is removing masks indoors a good idea or is it too soon?
It's too soon!
It's a good idea!
I think it was about time the CDC acknowledged fully vaccinated people shouldn't have to wear masks.
I think it was about time the CDC acknowledged fully vaccinated people shouldn't have to wear masks.
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Take the mask off even if your not vaccinated the if you get the virus you have a 98% chance of survival
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Robert Northrup
Masks are a stupid idea in the first place. I understand disinfecting hands and not touching your face after handling things other people touch, but masks? STUPID! Unless it is N95 compliant.
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Johnny Mooney
Masks are ineffective! I watch people pull down thier masks and rub thier nose, wipe thier eyes and touch everything in the store spreading thier germs! Masks mandates are governments way of giving the paranoid a false sense of safety.
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Tom Hamper
If the experimental shot (not a vaccine) was at all what it is purported to be, all those who have taken it should not at all be worried about what others do or dont do.
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So many people are not vaccinated and the new variant is more deadly and contagious
ReplyThis is a BAD idea!! Just because your vaccinated, you could still get it or pass it along if you're a carrier!!