Do you think the government should forgive student loans?
Old Trump voter shaking her fist at the sky and asking why her own dreams got thrown out in an unrecyclable ripple bottle 40 years ago.
Taxpayers shouldn't be saddled with debts like this. This is totally unfair to all those who paid off their own debts as well as all those who didn't take out student loans.
Reply ReplyWhat is the precedent moving forward? I paid my student loan. Get a job, live within your means, and don't expect the American tax payer to pay your debt. You took the loan out, figure out how to pay it off
Reply ReplyHow is this fair to all Americans? More division between people caused by goverment
Reply Reply3 Reasons. 1. People took the money and agreed to pay it back. They need to fulfill their agreement. 2. The vast majority of current student debt is for graduate school, not from people getting thier undergraduate degree. 3. Government analysis shows that higher income people would benefit most.
Reply ReplyTreatment... What we're currently doing is allowing the addicted to die a slow death. It's time to bring those who are suffering in their addiction into a facility that can determine whether or not you can do life sober on your own or need assistance. Leaving Americans under Tarps is INHUMANE.
Reply ReplyNo one forced the students to take the loans, and now everyone else has to pay for them? The bigger priority is taking the "Print Money" button away from the Democrats!!!
Reply ReplyAbsolutely not ! What kind of a message does this send, no need to take responsibility for your actions and just a political ploy to buy votes for midterms. Administration said this would happen right away but waited till now. Just like the inflation bill. Slap in the face to working Americans.
Reply ReplyA "loan" is an agreement to repay. I attended as I could afford my college education. I paid my kid's way so they could attend without using loans. If someone can't afford their education, they should wait or pause their education.
Reply ReplyI paid back every penny of the student loans that I took out many years ago. Besides, I question the legality of this being a function of the executive branch of our government.
Reply ReplyEven though this helps my daughter it does not help this generation with responsibility.
Reply ReplyThey have lost their minds. No we should not. They don't have any concept of basic economics or personal responsibility. Brandon is only trying to buy votes this November.
Reply Reply
If this were any other democratic nation in the world there would be no cost for higher education at all in the first place. We are the only free nation that discriminates against people getting a higher education based on wealth.
ReplyEducation is the basis of any society. Yet more so in a democracy. If any should wish to vote in a informed manner in a democracy they must support education for everyone. Limiting education, is limiting the vote. And likely why the disinterest in voting. Not even 60% voted in the last election.
Replythe govt should not forgive all the loans but for the specific students who are in the economically weaker sections, and with some conditions like - they should not trade their brains to other countries for higher profits but its for the betterment for our country
ReplySpecifically, expand Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
ReplyThey spend years paying them off!! It can put a real strain on their budget!