Do you think cell phones should be banned in schools?

Larry Ewart
Technology is such a major part of our lives that none of us can escape it. It comes with responsibility and accountability which seems to be the hardest part of the equation. No doubt they can be a distraction but safety and convenience play a bigger part in my opinion.
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Silly poll.... Who's in the leadership role here 🤔?
ReplyTheresno need for kids to be on them during school
ReplyBanned, of course , kids need to learn how to TALK to each other and not be on a phone but pay attention but learn in class,
ReplyYes, it's a distraction!
ReplyCellphones create too many distractions. They are the main reason kids are not learning the way they should.
ReplyYes, for the most part. There are a few instances where they should be allowed such as the downloading of apps that help with, say, science classes and so forth. Otherwise, they are a huge distraction.
ReplyIf the family needs to contact the child in an emergency, they can call the school and the school can relay the message to the child. It worked for me in the 60's and 70's, it can work now too.