Do you support expansion of the GTN XPress gas pipeline?
Burning fossil fuels is very unhealthy for humans and all living things. Piping gas is dangerous since pipes leak the toxic contents, polluting the environment. Saving money by continuing to use natural gas instead of using clean energy is poor reasoning. Spend that money to provide clean energy!
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Because California can't keep their electric grid going without it. By piping it in they can say "we do not produce or support drilling for Natural gas" Not lies but Not the truth either... That's Socialist Democrat logic, hide the truth and keep public in the dark.
Biden has no respect for his citizens. He will do whatever he wants. So far he has done nothing for us, he's ruined our country. Put us in a debt that we will never get out of. He will bleed us dry. Having this natural gas thru Oregon is so wrong. So very wrong. I don't care the benefits, they are
Reply ReplyNews flash, out country has been in debt for as long as I have been alive. What's your point?
Alternative is burning more coal in remote states and sending the electricity generated over long lossy wires to create heat here. Much better for environment to burn the lowest carbon fuel at the point where heat is needed.
ReplyAbsolutely. We don't need to be thrown into the dark ages over a fake manmade climate crisis. We can step outside our homes and see that their is no crisis. Weather changes, it always has. I'm fed up with the anti human narrative that has become so popular over the last few decades.
ReplyCleanest energy source.
ReplyWe could use any help. It would help people with heating etc.
ReplyAmerica should be "Energy Independent", we were when "Trump was President!"
ReplyReality is that we will continue to use natural gas for the foreseeable future, regardless of the efforts to force the use of all electricity.
ReplyCleanest energy source!
ReplyNatural Gas is one of the cleanest fuel , with no environment impact. And with the population growing , we need this . It's cheaper then wind power and solar. Environmentalists...get real and see the light, this means Sen. Merkley also. We don't need to go backwards in in progress.
ReplyNatural gas is much cleaner than coal and will be needed to power the electrical generating plants that will be required for the additional electricity consumed by charging all the electric cars we will be forced to drive!
ReplyYes absolutely. We also need to get rid of all oil drilling restrictions and be oil independent, instead of depending on out enemies for oil, Instead of buying oil from our enemies we should be selling oil to our allies. The left is making this country weak,
ReplyNatural gas is a clean and viable energy source and building this pipeline is just common sense.
ReplyTired of the Waco Libs destroying Oregon. This will create jobs and benefit everyone. Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fuel and very abundant. The fake climate activist will try to stop it and Salem will probably come up with a law Banning its use in Oregon. Wind & Solar are a failure,