Do you plan to connect virtually with family on Thanksgiving?
Yes, we plan to have a zoom meeting.
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Due to to Covid-19, we don't feel safe to gather this year. We will be having a virtual get together so we can still be together.
Due to to Covid-19, we don't feel safe to gather this year. We will be having a virtual get together so we can still be together.
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No, I won't.
My family plans to get together in person. We have been quarantining and taking the proper safety precautions.
My family plans to get together in person. We have been quarantining and taking the proper safety precautions.
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Rick Allen
I will do whatever I want to do this is America and the Democrats are not going to turn it into Russia or China and a less than 1% death rate is no reason to try to shut down America, it is a control issue, and the shutdowns hut millions of more people than this virus ever could! Stop listening to d
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