Commented "Yes, There's Room For Both!........There's room for all. Food trucks set better quality food standards that all should pay attention too. We will all reap the rewards."
Commented "Absolutely! The need is here in Central Oregon for a by-pass around Sisters. South of Sisters on Elm St (3 Creeks Road) I hear Sisters ODOT has had plans for years for this accommodation. Call 'em!"
Commented "Yeah, right! Arn't we all are so forgiving for giving our hard earned money away to the community chest to squander and pad the pockets of politicos that think we're not looking. I see you!!!!"
Commented "Honestly!.......he's the only President of late that I recall using in earnest the "bipartisan" intention so often in his urgency of trying to get business done for both sides of the fence."
Commented "So, it's taken an OFF THE HILL guy to place this country back on the trail of rebuilding the foundations that so many past administrations have FAILED to do. Continue the triumph, Trump!"