Would you ever bike to work?
Yes, when I can!
No, but I would if:
If I was closer to an off-road trail system or felt safer cycling, I would do it more!
If I was closer to an off-road trail system or felt safer cycling, I would do it more!
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Sam Ackerman
Never, ever would I bike to work. Forget the distance, I'm not showing up sweaty, or wet or covered in road dirt.
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Felix Pressler
very few people work within 5 mi of hoe;even so: 1- one works up a sweat, bad 2- when it rains, get to work wet? NO! 3-winter snow&cold NO. If lived in Redmond or other towns, NO!!!
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I would if I wasn't retired and worked fairly close by; was younger; and had convenient access to bike trails and NOT the street bike paths. Those look pretty precarious to me.