Whose testimony was more believable?
Just by looking at her you can tell what kind of life she has lived. Your face is a piece of canvas continuously getting painted. It displays you & your life. Some are works of art & some are not.
Reply ReplyAll the years of background checks and nothing until Trump nominates him and then all of a sudden this comes to light. She couldn't remember most of the so called incident and no one else remembering.
Reply ReplyNo brainer. Innocent till proven guilty. Six past FBI background checks, nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero. Typical Dem playbook, delay by whatever means, destroy whomever to achieve the goal.
Reply ReplyThis whole thing is a witch hunt to keep a conservative out of the supreme court.
Reply ReplyBecause this was a lifetime ago. No one should be held accountable for what they did that long ago.
Reply ReplyHe is real n this was a scam to detour the American people from what's really going on in Washington and in our government. Oregonian's need to get out and vote this November. #MAGA #America1st #gored
Reply ReplyTiming for this accusation is highly suspect. At 15 she sure was drunk alot.
Reply ReplyI am all for judge Kavanaugh I think this is a witch hunt by the left. I am sick of it all sick of them.
Reply ReplyWitch hunts catch witches. Look who they caught, One liar down and a further investigation. He sucks
you could see the truth in his passion for being unjustly accused for something he did not do and …..without any evidence, he was presumed guilty. That is so un- American
The whole thing is a rediculous scam by the politicians all untrue. 36 years ago?? Give me a break! Another waste of our money
Reply ReplyHer memory was too sketchy in many areas. For one, she said she didn't kkow what year it was but then said her age at the time...
Reply ReplyMs. Ford should of started her concerns and scares back when this happened. She doesn't remember her took her home or where the party was... give me a break.
Reply ReplyIt was heart wrenching to see what this accusation with no proof has done to this man and his family
Reply ReplyJudge Kavanaugh not only has evidence but the four people Ford named including her good friend have all said it did not happen. Kavanaugh was compelling and called out dirty liberal politics.
Reply ReplyApparently you didn't go to a prep school of any mention. That was totally the attitude in the eighties. Doesn't surprise me at all that no one would speak up. They weren't present upstairs.
Her friend did not say "it didn't happen". She said that she believed Ford, but that she did not recall being at the gathering. Do you remember every uneventful thing you did in your past? I don't.
Of course Mark Judge is going to say it didn't happen, otherwise he would be admitting to his role in the assault. The other two guys weren't in the room, so it wasn't a significant event to remember
I listened to both testimonies. They both are victims .Definitely. But after watching Kavanaugh - it would bt most difficult to not totally believe his testimony.
Reply ReplyKavanaugh's is the REAL VICTIM here, she could have and should have told her "credible" story 36yrs. ago....This "ME-TOO" movement has started a Male Witch hunt.What's next, burning men at the stake??
She took a lie detector
ReplyThere is no reason she would testify against him unless it really happened. Kavanaugh reacted like a boy whose only remorse was that he was caught.
ReplyThe typical response of an abuser being confronted on his behavior ( beligerant and bullying).
ReplyI believe her
ReplyAs a certified sexual assault nurse examiner I am not suprised that Ford has blank spots in her memory. His response was typical of bully behavior
Replyhe is mistaken nto her.
ReplyShe was totally unbelievable and he looked so guilty like someone being dragged from court after a guilty conviction and yelling I'm innocent when they are not!!!!!!!!
ReplyShe was a credible witness, and if this were a court, other witnesses would be called to corroborate her testimony, but this is a partisan circus.
ReplyThe way Kavanaugh raised his voice and got angry, totally displayed his defensiveness and his guilt. His body language said it all.
ReplyWhich one passed a lie detector. HER
ReplyBecause she kept her cool and her story was believable while he lost his cool, got angry, cried and behaved like he was entitled to be an associate justice of the US Supreme Court.
ReplyKavanaugh definitely coached by the White House. Wouldn't answer direct questions, what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep.
ReplyDr. Blasey-Ford was credible and clear about what happened to her. I believe her. Mr.Kavanaugh was belligerent and evasive. I don’t believe him. If he did nothing, why no FBI investigation?
ReplyShe answered the question s, he didn't.
ReplyOnly because Kavanaugh dodged questions, spoke in lawyer-speak without stating a definitive yes or no, and kept trying to divert answering very specific questions. Too much bluster=less credibility.