Should prisoners have the right to vote?
This is about the stupidest law I have ever seen Liberal Democrats come up with. Just another way for Democrats to continue destroying Oregon. It's all about gaining more Democratic voters. Shame on all of you.
Reply ReplyRegardless of your criminal status you're taking away the constitutional right of civilians and that's not okay they have the right to vote regardless
The government wants to take away many of the freedoms and rights of law abiding citizens, and now they want to give criminals the right to Vote. This says a lot about the lack of moral compass and lack of integrity In our government.
Reply ReplyAbsolutely no. They lost their rights when they committed a crime. This is just another stupid politically motivated law.
Reply ReplyPrisoners should not have the right to vote. They already had made a bad choice in life. We are already facing state and government problems without their vote. I dont need any criminal choosing whats best for us and our children.
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They are incarcerated & should NOT BE ALLOWED WHILE THEY ARE ON THE INSIDE. A dumb ideal!! They can vote when They are out and a part of society.
Reply ReplyHave you got some sort oof vendetta going here Mr. Daniels? Give it a break.
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Only after they've completed their jail sentence and paid all fines and/or restitution.
Reply ReplyOf course not, that is absurd. Criminals, illegal aliens, non citizens, thats bizarre nonsense. The leftest D A s are letting dangerous criminal back on the streets before their trials, this is insane, and twisted. A criminal waives those rights when committing a crime, period!
Reply ReplyWhen a person commits a felony they have demonstrated that they cannot function in a civil society and therefore forfeit their right to vote. This looks like another Democrat attempt to harvest votes.
Reply ReplyCriminals have lost that privilege! It's outrageous to consider giving that back to them. We need proper law-abiding citizens to help guide this country, not criminals!
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Voting is a privilege; a privilege properly exercised at the voting booth, not from a prison cell. States have a significant interest in reserving the vote for those who have abided by the social contract that forms the foundation of a representative democracy. We are talking about rapists, murderer
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They are trying to take away our Constitutional right to vote regardless of being a criminal or not that is our right
ReplyJust because you're incarcerated they're still citizens of the United States and we should not take that away from them constitutionally