Have you witnessed racist behavior in Central Oregon?
Yes, I have!
No, I haven't.
Because I have never seen any racist act in Central Oregon. I honestly believe that too many people are trying to make situations racist that are not racist, which over all creates new problems. Perhaps our news outlets should consider reporting facts only instead of trying to make things racest.
Reply ReplyI've lived here all my life and I have never witnessed racism. In fact, just the opposite. I have seen our community welcome POC as we have grown.
Reply ReplyI've never witnessed it in Bend and I've lived here for 27 years. I know that it exists, as racist individuals are everywhere. However, it's certainly not rampant in our community.
Reply ReplyNo I never have and like many others on here, it is obvious the left and the media are dividing this country and making everything racist. It is just wrong!
Reply ReplyRacism does exit. Where I grew up blacks hate Hispanics and vice versa. Blacks hate White cops. Racism is rare in CO. The real tragedy is the media incites and amplifies a mostly non existent issue for what? Money? To tear us apart to further their Marxist agendas?
Reply ReplyI don't see it, but to be fair, I work from home and have a small circle. Sadly though, racism IS rampant even though we're not in 1940, and it's heartbreaking to hear how my friends who are brown are treated and talked to. Some in our own community. We all need to be better and expect better!
Reply Reply
There is racism in every single country across the planet. We are humans if you are different we don't like you.
Replywhite people are accused of being racist just because they are white.
ReplyThree men outside of the summit one night called myself and my girlfriend "nigger lovers" as we walked into the establishment. My boyfriend (he is African American) ignored the comment. As we walked back out of Sidelines, the same 3 men attempted to jump my boyfriend as they spat racial slurs.
ReplyBend is no different than any other town in this nation, in that people of color experience racism on multiple levels. We have to get past this fantasy of "Bend exceptionalism" and "Be Nice. You are in Bend."