Do you think restaurants should receive emergency funds from the state during the two week freeze?
Yes, absolutely!
No, I'm not sure if they should.
We are in a critical situation and we need to do anything we can to stop the spread.
We are in a critical situation and we need to do anything we can to stop the spread.
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Robert Northrup
They shouldn't need funds because they should not be forced to close in the first place. We are all terminal get over it. 100 people die of natural causes every day in Oregon.
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Dave DuRette
Why should restaurants receive special treatment over other businesses that have also been shut down ie gyms, museums, pools, etc
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Yes but they wouldn't need it if the horrible governor would ever be realistic. She oversteps the office's bounds, this is America nor Russia or China. America is the land of the free and home of the brave, Impeach Brown!
Replythere employee's directly not to the employer's