Do you support the construction of permanent supportive units for the homeless?
More freebies won't solve the problem, just create more recipients! It is becoming more apparent that the city council wants Bend to be more like Portland.
Reply ReplyIf you give homeless people free stuff, more will come. Where is the personal responsibility to work, save and buy your own home or pay rent some place. You are rewarding drug use. Stop it and enforce the law and homelessness will drop.
Reply ReplyYou cannot force transients to get help. Our worthless city council and mayor have destroyed our city by allowing transients to terrorize the community with crime, fires, robbery, rape, drug use and destruction of property. They will not use places with rules and restrictions. Wake up Bend!
Reply ReplyCouldn't agree more. The liberals have spent years trying to make Bend into liberal Portland. If we don't get these city councilors and mayor out of office we will soon become the state that everyone fled to move here.
Many of these people are older and have paid into the system, so your ignorance is pointless yet again.

That's not solving the underlying issue of homelessness witch is mental health and drug use
Reply ReplySupportive housing is intended to address those issues. Sobriety is mandatory and mental health counseling is among the services provided.

Homelessness is becoming an industry. Once we get thousands of people dependent on jobs there will be no going back.
Reply ReplyMore people are in the homeless business than are truly homeless. Help families and the working poor that can truly benefit.
Reply ReplyThey seem to receive more opportunities then I do. I have worked all my life since I was 12, and for them to get free housing and free $1000.00 a month, that's more then I make. I think this bill failed, but it was in the works.
Reply ReplyOnly if they have a 40 hour job and are willing to pay some rent or have social security and pay some rent. Handouts don't help people, they enable them.
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