Commented "Most of what the Dems want costs money, but the only way to get it is thru taxes! They have not been able to correct the PERS deficit. The leadership in Salem, the 2 women, may be related to MoonBeam "
Commented "US is not a country if we cannot control our borders; it's not the only solution, but also acts as a strong visual detriment. US spends a bucket of $ on illegals & the cost will be offset by savings"
Commented "Why should taxpayers pay more for politicians & DOT lousy planning; state revenue is on the rise & could also be allocated from other sources"
Commented "We cannot be the worlds"policeman"& risk US lives to fix centuries old problem, when we can't manage our own borders & need the resources to address our own major problems 1st"
Commented "why the focus on only alcohol, when pot impairs driving just as much, yet not much effort by "politicos" on how to measure it; but it makes good talking points for the politicians. "
Commented "allow 2-4 unit(1-2Brs) structures along arterial streets on larger lots, e.g. 50/55'x100/125' homes on smaller lots are still expensive & do nothing to help renters"