Commented "Your question really needs to address wilderness camping as that activity impacts greatly the wilderness landscape. Day, permits, visits are far less destructive to the Three Sisters Wilderness and easier to obtain."
Commented "Because I live in the Sunriver/LA Pine area; weather can be extreme in the winter. Also many new CO residents are not experienced in winter driving conditions. Safety, safety, safety for all!
Commented "Just look at the RV park clear cut along Murphy Road and the Parkway overpass! Massive, stripping the land of mature Ponderosa Pines - totally not good! Wasn't Bend once proclaimed a "Tree City USA" resource? NOT."
Commented "Keibler, the Les Schwab location was NOT a solution just a speedy bandaid applied to a stop bleeding. Bend needs more than just a bandaid...
Commented "Bend; you need to bite the bullet. An improved traffic light is only a bandaid fix, a real solution is a traffic circle or a new east/west bypass. Congestion will hardly benefit from an extra lane of traffic. Remember Reed Market, that "fix" barely improved that route as the RR tracks were ignored"