Replied " "You can also buy illegal drugs at a gun show, or anywhere else in the city, but that doesn't mean they were purchased legally or condoned by the gun show. Continue to believe anything you want to, regardless of how true or false it is.""
Replied " "You can also buy illegal drugs at a gun show, or anywhere else in the city, but that doesn't mean they were purchased legally or condoned by the gun show. Continue to believe anything you want to, regardless of how true or false it is.""
Replied "You can also buy illegal drugs at a gun show, or anywhere else in the city, but that doesn't mean they were purchased legally or condoned by the gun show. Continue to believe anything you want to, regardless of how true or false it is."
Replied "I admire Jennifer, Adam and Jack for displaying their legal expertise and knowledge. If I ever need Legal Console, I will certainly contact them."
Replied "The example you are citing has nothing to do with the gun show. That can happen anywhere in any city. All guns sold at or in a gun show, is by a dealer. The Gun Show Loophole is a lie created and repeated by democrats. Repeating a a lie over and over does not make it become true. It is still a lie."
Replied "Under current federal law, licensed dealers are required to run background checks on all gun purchases prior to making sales. ATF Form 4473 contains the purchaser's name, address, date of birth, government-issued photo ID, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background "
Commented "Creating more laws to hinder good people, will have no affect on criminals, while existing laws are not enforced. Even morons realize criminals don't obey laws. Too bad democrats and RINO's, are not smart enough to understand this. Blunt will be replaced with a real man, and it won't be John Wood."