Replied "After watching Joe being attacked by his own bicycle, I think Joe should be spending time addressing the Assault Bicycle problem. Even a ten year old with enough cash can buy one at Walmart or for even less money at a garage sale. And there is no waiting period required. Something needs to be done."
Replied "Nearly 1,000 bicyclists die and over 130,000 are injured in crashes that occur on roads in the United States every year. The costs of bicycle injuries and deaths from crashes typically exceed $23 billion in the United States each year."
Commented "No, DOA in the Senate. It would only save the average driver about $25 in three months. Joe is out of touch with reality, or he is just following orders, or both. It would be a 3.5% monthly fuel savings. Joe is only hoping he gets pudding tonight. Joe doesn't care about Americans' economic strain."
Replied "So Jack is claiming that he has become "institutionalized". I can see that with him. Jack I did not say Justin was wrong, I said Jennifer got lucky and got one thing correct. Justin is correct more often than you, Jennifer, and Jack combined. And Justin is more entertaining than all of you."
Replied "Eric Greitens' has the Right, to make and post the Ad. The people have the Right, to view or not view the Ad. Just like Biden has the Right to Blabber his daily lies and rhetoric, the People have the Right to Laugh at his Blabber or not listen to and not laugh at his Blabber."
Replied "The democrats feel it is okay to censor Conservative comments and call Conservatives "Domestic Terrorist Groups", yet they just illegally entered the White House, and they terrorize The SCOTUS both at the Supreme Court Bldg., and at their homes, with their families and neighbors present. Go figure."