Replied "Supreme Court ruled a year ago 9:0 to support the second amendment. Yesterday they ruled again for our god given rights. Thank goodness Missouri is mostly conservative on constitutional law and rights. "
Commented "Shall Not Be Infringed. Supreme Court just ruled: only justification needed is the right to defend ourselves. The Marxists and communists in other countries disarmed their population and tyranny rules. USA was based on not being controlled by Kings/govt. bad guys rule too. And can always get guns. "
Commented "One sided political Censorship allowed them to completely suppress the conservative and other candidates message for president from 2016 on. The censorship of Greitens Ad is a huge example! Infringes on 1stAmendmt. Social Credit system incoming. Ex: Say the wrong things you can’t get $$ at ur bank. "
Commented "Only the Rinos who haven’t called out the election fraud in MO and the USA are offended by this ad. It’s pretty funny actually! We know who Rinos are, easy to spot: never own up to election fraud, support red flag confiscation laws. "
Replied "Max, you better look at the “compromise” on red flag laws, Blunt supports them. This means anything they deem “mentally ill” or even your credit score might trigger them “seizing” your guns. Blunt needs impeached for not upholding the constitution. "
Replied "I know Dems forgot why we needed a militia in 1776.same reason now. The mass shootings in Chicago every weekend haven’t stopped because of the mayor promoting lawlessness. Dems, StLouis, same stuff, it’s the regular people who need guns. Any attempt to take guns is tyrannical red flag laws=same "
Replied "I agree Max, I was in the military that upheld our constitutional rights. Australia is in negotiations to become a Chinese colony instead of UK. It’s true, they have no gun rights at all. Did any Dem see what happened to HK after it was given back to China? They didn’t uphold freedom Noguns=NoRights"
Commented "Because treasonous Rinos like Roy Blunt agreed to this bipartisan crap as 10 who can keep a filibuster from happening, he needs to be recalled or impeached for not upholding our 2nd Amndmt constitutional rights. Shall not Infringe and red flag laws do. May not stand up to SCOTUS challenges."