Commented "I know they are edible, tasty, & healthy. But, unless I was loss in the wilderness, I could't bring myself to eat grubs, even gourmet cooked ones. Still, I'd go hungry before I could force myself to kill anything for nutrition. Then I would cry, with empathy, the entire time. (I'm not a vegetarian.)"
Commented "I didn't know until too late when my son threw my phone in the garbage when he was a toddler. He thought it was funny. As far as my other phones, keys, belongings. I would lose my head if it were attached to my neck."
Commented "Since I am a freckled, fair-skinned redhead, I should, but I only do if I will specifically be out in the sun longer than 20 minutes (I burn easily). I do not do it daily or wear make up with sunscreen."
Commented "1 cat, 1 dog were brought from a shelter. All the rest (over 20 since childhood) were gotten free from others, rescued, or born from litters of our pregnant cats. 3 generations of one cat line and another pregnant rescue. We spay and neuter now that we can. And we spay and release local strays, now."