Commented "He IS for the American people, not a NWO as Obama and his ilk are. He has shown us there is truly a swamp, and the creatures in it are not for the American people.
Commented "Yes, someone had to have the courage to stand up for his convictions and those of the 70-80 million people who voted for Trump and know that the election WAS fixed. Proof is there, and because no judge would even listen puts doubts in our minds that they even care. We are doomed."
Commented "If they are hurting for middle schools, then open Lake Contrary. A big school is too impersonal, and only so many kids can play on sports teams, leaving many who would like to be involved, left out."
Commented "There is a 98-plus% recovery rate, and no proof that the vaccine is even safe. How can you not know anything about the virus, and think you have a cure-all, when you can't even control the cold or the flu? We are being sold a bill of goods.
Commented "I believe it was an inside job by the Dems/or Soros who hired the ones who brought in the "weapons" and tools to break in. Frustrated supporters who were in that particular group, joined in like mob mentality usually does. Trump's speech was not even over when it started."
Commented "In all States that there should only be allowed in-person voting, with a picture ID, to vote on the actual election day, and then reps from BOTH parties watching the count. No exceptions."