Asked by
KESQ News Channel 3
408 Votes
Are you in favor of CA's new program allowing undocumented people paying taxes to get home loans?
Cheri Betts
We have a huge housing issue and legal residents of the state should have priority for housing.
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Octavio Briones
The Governor and Assembly have spent so much money that the State has a deficit. Where are they going to get the money. I for one do not want to pay more taxes for another program that will over run it's funds.
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Blake Bailey
If they are not citizens of this country, they shouldn’t be allowed to own property here. I’m not talking about a car, I’m talking about homes or land. If you don’t wanna be a citizen of this country, then you shouldn’t be able to buy large items like houses or land here.
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Ask why are they paying taxes if they are illegal? Make a penalty on those hiring such illegals and make it cover the cost of their housing. The state would be perfectly correct in using such funding then. This is a corporate issue that that no one wants resolved. That's either party.