889 Votes
Should Oregon stop taking vaccine appointments until enough doses for all eligible are available?
Yes, this is getting ridiculous!
No, get them out as soon as you can!
Despite the short-term frustration, every available vaccine dose should be used right away!
Despite the short-term frustration, every available vaccine dose should be used right away!
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Use the stock you have! When more becomes available, there won't be a backlog of people who need shots. With 2-3 weeks between doses, it's logical to get as many 1st doses into arms as possible. This expedites their 2nd dose. This allows more vaccine for those coming up in the next tier!
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Sussie Due
While I am allergic to any influenza vaccine, have been for years (documented), I still keep tabs on the vaccine problems. The vaccines should not just sit and wait once they arrive.
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Amanda Wallace
Only because those most at risk for death (seniors and underlying conditions) aren't fully eligible yet. They should've been prioritized and if they had, then it would be fine to slow down the process because the remaining people would be healthy.
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We need more appointment times for each group as people become eligible for the vaccine. My husband, 71, couldn't get an appointment on Monday, Feb. 22. The slots filled up in 2 hours! Today there were shots available at Sisters Firehall. Times were all gone in 35 minutes! What do we do????????
ReplyMy wife and I are over 70 years old. I have Stage 3 kidney disease and my wife is a pre-school teacher. We have filled out vaccination request forms and have called daily trying to get an appointment. We are unable to get a solid answer on our status. Complete our group first!.