Commented "Free speech and assembly is a right in the US, although it seems that Democrat Party community organizers do not think so. This sets a very bad precedent. Whether you like Trump or not, he should not be silenced by partisan political mobs. "
Commented "2016 reminds us of 1916, a world tangled in unholy alliances, and power politics and outcome-based motivations - and very little in the way of common sense. On top of this, there are many unsustainable Kingdoms and serfdoms in their final years. Very dangerous."
Commented "Based on the evidence in the 2012 Guardian report 2012, it sure looks like the GMO mosquitos released into the environment are the culprit. Google it."
Commented "There is no actual proof thus far, other than supposition, that Zika virus is what is causing all of those cases of Microcephy in Latin America babies. So the fear trumps everything, even verification and scientific proof. We need more conclusive study before govt starts pushing a 'NO CHILD' policy."
Commented "Banning Muslim is unconstitutional - full stop. If you start banning religions - then you should leave the US and start a Nazi colony in Patagonia. Idiots. "
Commented "Knee-jerk legislation is a bad idea for the people, but always a good idea for govt.. This is the eve of a new, high-tech Fascism and a Euro-Patriot Act will be used as mass political intimidation b4 it stops any actual terrorists."