Commented "To many regulations for anything you build or do. Between Taxes/Fees/Regulations or anything the government touches it makes everything cost more. Less government all our lives would be better. Did you know the Number 1 employer in Oregon is the government?"
Commented "The only books that parents want removed from school are not age appropriate. Can I go to a school library/public library and check out a Playboy or Hustler magazine. There is NO BANNING of books going on just concerned parents wanting age appropriate material for their kids. Stop virtue signaling!"
Commented "I quit going to downtown Bend because the parking is a disaster. Not building parking will NOT decrease vehicle travel it only creates congestion and traffic stress. I have no problem with bike lanes just the spandex nazis that use them."
Commented "This was forced by the Salem socialists. The only Commissioner I would never vote for is Chang, he likes Tax Payers paying for irresponsible behavior and would like to have more Commissioners on the board that believe in the socialist democrat agenda."