Replied "It isn't a matter of being handicapped. All people have the right to go up the butte. Taxpayers already had to pay for a trail for walkers and that still isn't enough for you. Get used to not getting your way in everything."
Commented "I don't like blackmail tactics and that's exactly what teachers are doing when they strike. Do your striking in the summer when kids are not in school and you can't hold parents hostage."
Replied "We must stop voting for the tax and spend party of liberals over and over for city council and Mayor. No more parks, no more roundabouts. It's outrageous how property taxes are going up. We need more responsible people in office."
Commented "Wondering why walkers are consistently trying to keep drivers out of public areas. If you feel the butte is to dangerous to share with cars then go walk somewhere else. Walkers aren't special people with special rights. You already destroyed all people's from using Shevlin Park to enjoy. "
Commented "Absolutely. We don't need to be thrown into the dark ages over a fake manmade climate crisis. We can step outside our homes and see that their is no crisis. Weather changes, it always has. I'm fed up with the anti human narrative that has become so popular over the last few decades. "
Replied "Couldn't agree more. The liberals have spent years trying to make Bend into liberal Portland. If we don't get these city councilors and mayor out of office we will soon become the state that everyone fled to move here. "