Commented "The democrats are using their majority rule to change the way we govern our country in a way that insures they will never be out of power again, This could result in an eventual revolution."
Commented "I think some employees have abuse their employers over the whole pandemic thing and they should be able to do this on their own time. People get the ordinary flue shot on their own time.
Commented "The transportation authorities have not been able to protect us so we ought to be able to do it ourselves. Things are only get worse in regards to our personal security as our country spirals downward."
Commented "Just like the proposed gas tax increase that has been voted down that they are trying to increase and the right to work it is wrong. But if you leave it up to the voters on some issues they can't make an educated decision because they don't speed the time to research what they are voting on."
Commented "Gun ownership is given in the constitution and it should not be infringed upon. You should take away the illegal guns from felons before you take away my rights. They lost their rights when they became felons."